Welcome 2021


Ah, my yearly ritual of changing the calendar.  I buy the same one every year.  It's a great calendar, it hasn't failed me yet.  This year, upon taking the old one down, I did something I never do.  I looked back.  I flipped through and realized, I really love the illustrations.  So, I got my scissors and cut out the ones I really loved, they're so big I think I shall use them on the altar or frame them.

I'm praying that the coming year will be better after all the utter bullshit everyone has dealt with last year.  January 1st is the starting point for many people with their new year resolutions.  I have a few for this year.  But first, let us take a look back at 2020.

I will only write about my accomplishments, because the reality is, I didn't fail miserably at anything.  I did exactly what I was supposed to do, which was stay the fuck home and play Animal Crossing.  

Every year, I set a reading goal on Good Reads.  For 2020, I put down 20 books.  Not to match with the year, but because I was supposed to get shit done.  I had appointments, and physical therapy, Ana had school and dance.  I was supposed to be busy and not have time to read, let alone put almost 400 hours on a Switch game.  I am happy to say I met my goal of 20 and passed it by 5.  25 whole books read.  Good Reads says I read over 8,466 pages.  Not at all bad huh?  I could have read more, but I was shaking trees and catching bees.

On to yarn crafting.  Again, not much done.  Damn Nintendo for taking my 50 bucks.   I did about 35 projects, give or take, I lost count of all the wash cloths I made.  I also made a large amount of cloth masks for myself, the children and a couple of friends.  Never got around to sewing the tarot cloths I purchased fabric for, but at least I have an actual Singer now.

Writing, again, not much.  I did enjoy the "Journal with Goulet" prompts I did, those were fun.  But without much going on in life and no festivals and events to attend, there wasn't anything else to write up.  I did start my new journal, which, of course, I LOVE, so at least there is that.  Documentation of the pandemic on page and online.  One day I will eventually get back to short story writing, that'll be fun.

Pokemon, yes this is an achievement category, hear me out.  I started playing Go on launch day.  I was sick and unable to walk for a good chunk of that time.  After finally regaining my ability to ambulate, I knew I had to reach level 40.  I live on a Poke Stop, and now there are three, plus a gym.  A few months ago, I finally reached level 40 just in time for the legacy badge and the increase to level 50.  I did this without adding 200 friends to make them Best Friends like how most people are doing it these days.  I am proud because it means it took my arthritic ass actually walking around the neighborhood to achieve this.

And last, but certainly not least:

For this year, something different, I suppose I only have the pandemic to thank, and what I believe is my most worth while accomplishment (you know besides keeping myself and my babies alive by not catching Covid): helping to teach beginner's witchcraft on Discord.  I am so thankful I met Sneak from her virtual Tarot Course.  She is a wonderful young woman and really built something substantial on the server.  I like to think that I am making a positive impact in the witchcraft community with all my many years of experience.  

Often times, while I am putting together my lesson slides, I think about things Shadow taught me.  In many ways that man was a walking Buddha, but as he said, I was too grounded to see outside the box.   It's sad when I think about how much we could have learned and taught together.  It's bitter sweet.

And that brings me to 2021's goals:

First, I'm going to continue creating well researched lessons for the students on the server, they deserve this information for free from a reliable source, I may not have a PhD in philosophy or history but with 22 years as a practicing Wiccan, I pretty much know my shit.

Second, I'm not going to purchase any yarn this year.  I hardly made a dent into the skeins I own.  I have done this previously, where I don't keep a stash and only buy yarn for a specific project.  Well, now it's time to make those specific projects.  Here is a list, in no particular order, of yarn I have for said specific projects:

1. Yggrasil Blanket
2. Irish fisherman sweater with hood.
3. Mitered square blanket
4. Find Your Fade Shawl
5. Find Your Fade Shawl (not a typo, there was a sale and Jamie, the wonderful gay best friend he is bought me more yarn)

Then, there is the sock yarn; but the rule is, is that sock yarn is never counted in stash.  

I have never set a goal on Ravelry, but I think this year I may, perhaps it will really motivate me to get these items done.

Third, the books.  I downloaded a ton of books onto my Kindle.  I have a goal of reading a few of the more serious occult titles, as well as continue reading my murder mysteries and thrillers in between.  I also never finished reading book 5 of Outlander, because Shadow and I had watched that together, and he was my bearded Scotsman (only 17 percent if I remember his Ancestry profile, but still).  An awful reason not to continue reading, but it's winter now, and there's the show to watch as well, and watching shows is my knitting time, so you see where I'm going with this.

Thus, this year will be 30 books (I have a 5 star island, all the major work is done).  It will be awesome if this can be achieved because I have "The Golden Dawn" by Israel Regardie on my Kindle, and that's supposed to be a doozy.  Then there are the few physical books I have left that were purchased by Shadow, one on Kabbalah and another on the Tarot, which I must get through.  What's great is that thanks to Z Library, I don't have to pay for a book ever again!  So, 30 on Good Reads it will be, wish me luck!  

Those are my three goals.  Not resolutions.  I don't fucking quit.  Notice what's not on here.  Eating healthy, loosing weight, learning a new language, yada yada yada.  I already cook three meals a day from scratch, I think I finally found a balance between eating enough red meat so I don't need a B-12 shot and preparing vegan nutrient dense meals.  PETA can suck it, I'm poor and steak is cheaper than vitamins.  I'm already bi lingual, and I know I need to fucking loose weight, I'm not a moron, I've been on heavy duty medications for over 5 years straight, I don't have high blood pressure, no diabetes, I live at the top of a three story walk up, don't drive so I have to walk everywhere and even my gay best friend says my ass looks great.

Come at me 2021, I'm ready!

Blessed Be to everyone in the new year!


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