Mittens Again

It’s taking me way too long to make these.  They’re for the little boy down stairs whose mother sells Avon.

She gave Ana a coloring book and Dino a hat for Christmas.  It bothers me when people just give me stuff because then I feel bad for not having anything to give to them in return.

So, here I am making another pair of mittens.  Not wanting to buy any yarn this year made selection of a color difficult to say the least.  I hardly ever buy “boy” colors anymore.  With Ana loving pink, me purple, and Ninkie yellow, I don’t have any colors that scream toddler boy.

I managed to dig up the last unused ball from the sweater I knit for Jennifer’s first son who also happens to be named Geo, but the Gio down stairs is the traditional spelling.

Knit Picks Shine is a wonderful yarn to work with, it’s cotton and Modal, and it literally does shine!  Once I am done with the second mitten, I’ll have about half a ball left which I have no clue what to do with.

I really hope I can finish these tomorrow while Ana is doing her virtual schooling.  Usually I sit and scroll through the news app, play Pokémon Go, and Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, half paying attention to what her teacher is saying in case she needs help.

Then, I can get them to him tomorrow afternoon and hopefully they fit.  He has very chunky toddler hands, almost the same measurement as Ana’s!

After that, I truly must concentrate on knitting something for Ninkie’s birthday, because now I don’t have much longer to get something done!


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