The Afternoon Tea Spell


Tea of your choice plus any add-ins you want.


1. Brew according to your liking.  Add whatever you like.

2. Stir 9 times, clockwise to charge with energy, or counter clockwise to rid yourself of unwanted energy.  Examples, clockwise for an afternoon pick me up, focus, or calm.  Counterclockwise for getting rid of a cold, anxiety, etc.

3. Hold cup in both hands (if too hot, hold your hands over it) and visualize white light entering your tea.  If you're unable to visualize, ask the Goddess, or whatever universal power you believe in to help the tea do it's job.  You could also use a crystal for this, just don't put the crystal in the tea.

4. Enjoy your beverage!


From now on, any spells or recipes I write up will be put at the top, obligatory life story at the bottom.  I can't even find recipes these days without all the crappy pop ups on for-profit blogs.  Ridonkulous.  I don't have time for all that.

Now then, I don't really have a story for this spell.  At this point I don't even know if it's actually my own creation.  I could have read about it in a book, or one of those technicolor websites from the late 90's. (You know the ones I'm talking about.)  Doesn't matter.  This is the way I do it, and you're more than welcome to make it your own.

On to all those boxes of tea from my cabinet that I neatly lined up on my floor for you to see.  I finished the last of my instant coffee, I always drink it iced with a dash of cinnamon, totally magickal, I know, but my tea has been neglected all summer.  Not cool.  So another challenge I must issue myself this year is to drink all the tea before it's Nescafe frappe time again.

When it's cold, I drink 4 to 5 cups a day.  Don't worry, it's not all caffeinated and even if it was, caffeine doesn't make me jittery or anything.  I'm the type of person who could go to Starbucks and drink a cappuccino at night and still go to sleep.  I obviously won't be doing that any time soon, rona, no money, dirty peasant hands on my cups, nope.  

While dried herbs technically do last a long time, they don't taste the same after 6 months to a year.  Most of the boxes say best before the end of 2022, but I require fresh tea. When I finish all this, I will only buy one or two flavors at a time to finish before I purchase more.  That is the way to do it.

Do I do this spell every day?  No.  And though it's labeled afternoon tea, you can certainly do the spell at any time of the day or night, whenever you need it for, no circle casting required.

Cheers and Blessed Be


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