Birthday Present for Nonks

I know, it does look like much.

I finally decided what to make my niece for her fifth birthday.  So far I am on the second leg.  It’s a bunny from some anime I don’t watch and never even heard of before, but it’s cute so who cares?

Sadly, the girls (my daughter and my niece) are at that age where one skein of yarn doesn’t cut it anymore for a sweater. They need 500 to 600 yards in some cases, so those errant cakes of Lion Brand I’m trying to use, have to be something else entirely.

I’m actually not a fan of making stuffed animals.  Not because I don’t like them, but because the gauge is tighter and that can hurt my hands.  It’s slow going and I also have no choice but to use my metal hooks and needles because other wise my bamboo would snap.  Metal is cold in the winter and hard and leads to even more aches and pains.

But... I’m trying to stick to something here, so I must make do.  Good thing I have fluff to stuff it with and a large pack of safety eyes. That child would wind up with another bolero if I didn’t have those items to finish it with.  I’m also thankful for my ergonomic crochet hook.  I wish I had the entire set.  That silicone handle is a life saver!  I’d ask someone for my birthday next month, but they’re expensive. 😭

If I really sit down and work, I can possibly get it done during the weekend, which is good because I can also catch up on my shows that I missed during the week.  

I just hope she likes it.  That child has so many toys, but she better get used to Auntie’s handmade gifts cause they ain’t going away any time soon.


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