The Spell for Lost Objects


Agios Fanourios the Patron Saint of Lost Shit.


None, unless you have aphantasia then you will need a small piece of paper and writing implement of your choice, or my choice which would be a fountain pen.


Close you eyes and hold out your left hand.
Center yourself.
While breathing deeply, visualize the lost item in your hand, it is glowing with a white light.
You can feel the weight of it, the texture of it.
Keep this image in your mind’s eye for as long as you can.
Then go look for the object, this is NOT a set it and forget it spell.

For those with aphantasia:
If you can’t visualize, then draw the item as best you can on the piece of paper, if you can’t draw then write in words what the item is, example: green crayon.
With eyes closed, hold the paper tightly in your hand, say firmly to your home “I will find the green crayon.”
Then, go look!

Obligatory life story:

I’ve been using this spell for a long time.  I hate loosing shit.  Absolutely can not stand it and unfortunately it’s one of those things that happens more frequently as I grow older, or maybe it’s as my kids grow older, I have yet to figure that one out.

I never really lost things as a kid.  I was that annoying child that had her Barbie’s shoes organized in a container that had sections to it.

Lately I’ve been losing things within my own home, and for some strange reason a few times now when we do laundry.  Which is totally not cool.  So I use this spell a bit too often if you ask me, but it has a relatively high success rate.  

Nevertheless, if your object can’t be found, then it’s either gone for good or will come back to you at a later date.  The universe is like that.  One time I lost a K2 crystal that Shadow had bought be and I couldn’t find it anywhere.  Then a few days later I took Ana to the park and there the crystal was in the crack of the side walk untouched!  Mysterious ways.

So, why the icon above?

Because every time I lose something I wind up thinking about Agios Fanourios.  He’s a lesser known saint, but he was the saint of the church I went to as a child in Queens.  His back story is pretty fucked up, and I don’t really know all of it.  Allegedly his mama was a whore, you know, as one is, oldest profession for women, and he carries his tall as heck candle cause he will help you find the things you’ve lost.

How very pagan of him!

Lighting a candle as a spell to find something and asking Agios Fanourios to come and help you find it is pretty sweet in my book.

Also, he has a cake.  Like the cake.  It’s delicious and vegan and like the most Greek cake ever because it’s made from olive oil.  I make it every now and again because it’s moist and did I say delicious?  I think technically you’re supposed to make the cake and light the candle for him to help you find your thing, but the cake takes over an hour, so my spell is way faster, if not more productive.

I can’t give you the recipe because I didn’t write it and I don’t think the Greek Orthodox Church would appreciate a wicked little heathen such as myself linking to their cake recipes, so just search for it.  It even uses 9 ingredients, I know, unapologetically pagan.

Blessed Be!


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