3rd Quarter Moon Ceremony


I had ceremony with Lindsey Schroeder from Saged.  It was amazing, as usual.  Her energy is something I totally vibe with.  When she does ritual, it is hypnotic and trance like and you truly go deep into this place of pure magick.

Today was all about embodying Goddess.  She pulled four cards from a Goddess deck and led us through ceremony with them.  It was uplifting, grounding as well as cleansing.  

Simply put, words really can not describe that state of being. You have to be there in order to experience it, and of course everyone flows through it a different way.  What we see, feel and smell can vary but it is all in resonance with the Goddess in whatever way you see Her.

After these rituals I always take my shower with my Japanese shower chair.  My handheld sprayer has this gentle water fall feature and it’s an excellent tool for grounding after ritual because I can gently wash stagnant or excess energy off as I come back to center.

The perfect end to the day.  I also quickly did a spread on the Labyrinthos app, I keep forgetting they have spreads for all the moon phases.  This is mine for the last (3rd) quarter:

Gotta love modern technology.  I don’t even have to leave the comfort of my own cozy bed to do a tarot spread!

Blessed Be!



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