Still Learning


Another case for the pocket sized deck.

I’m still chugging along here with my Thoth deck and Mary K. Greer’s Tarot for Yourself.  I’m amazed at how I automatically come up with an answer when she asks a question of a particular card.

I’d say that in my younger years I would have over thought everything.  Sometimes I still do.  I have a very analytical mind, which is great for tarot and giving someone answers and putting two and two together, but not so good for the intuitive reading styles.

The exercise I did today was for one of the court cards, any one, the books asks you to choose.  The chart in the picture is for you to do the same exercise for all 16 of them.  That will be for a rainy day when I pop on a crystal bowl sound bath and fill it all in.  I will use the larger format of cards so I can really see each one I’m working on up close and I suppose, personal.

I finished reading DuQuette’s book which was amazing.  He recommends that you go back and re read Crowley now that you presumably have a better understanding of the material since he broke it down for you in his book.  I will try and do that, but I have almost 200 books on my to read list and so little time.

I really do appreciate this deck more now.  I’ve loved it for years, but now to see more in each card and understand it even a little bit better makes me happy.

I do want to try and finish the workbook before I take Ana to visit Grandma.  We have a month left, so if I do a little each day, I can try and get it done.  Then maybe, I’ll re read Crowley on the train.  Perhaps he’ll prove to be an excellent travel companion!

Shuffle those decks witches!



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