New Shoes for Foot Pain


I have not received them yet but I ordered these because they were on sale and I was able to get an additional 10 percent off.  They are of course way cheaper than my usual Birks, but something had to be done.  I have been experiencing tremendous foot, ankle and leg pain the last few days and someone recommended these.

So, I decided why not?  I did not purchase myself new shoes this summer, I’ve been wearing what I got last year from BJ’s which are technically Birkenstock knock offs because I couldn’t go to get my actual Birks repaired due to Covid.  I still will have to have my non sandal Birks resoled for fall and winter, but at least things are open now.

I should be receiving these new sandals next week.  The nice thing about this company is that they recycle your old shoes.  You just send them back to them, which is pretty damn neat because Crocs should be doing that and they don’t.  I have no clue how many pairs of Crocs I’ve had since 2006 but that’s a ton of plastic shoes going to landfill.

Honestly, more companies need to start doing this.  Companies also need to sell just the refills for things.  I try to live with as many reusables as I can but shoes just aren’t one of them, eventually even after having them resoled they’re not going to be good anymore.  Especially, with the amount I walk.  Today I did over 7000 steps which for most people is nothing but for someone with severe osteoarthritis in both knees and psoriatic arthritis everywhere else, that’s a lot.  In fact, I’ve probably been over doing it which is why I have so much pain.

There is a massive disconnect in my brain verses my joints.  My brain says “yes Spiral, this distance is perfectly fine, it’s a nice day, you can keep going, you’re not even tired” because my brain doesn’t feel that fatigue.  My lungs don’t feel that fatigue.  It is literally only my feet, ankles and legs that scream in protest.  And let me remind you dear reader that I live on the third floor of a walk up building.  So even after my joints are finished walking, they are not finished climbing two flights of stairs up.

My knees still feel like they’re on fire, at least I soaked my feet in my bubbly and heated foot bath.  Sure wish I had a full body bubbly and heated bath, but that will do.  Now I must get the menthol cream out and slather my knees and ankles.

Fingers crossed that these new shoes work well for me.  I’m hoping for an extra bounce in my step!



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