Approved, but for How Long?


Six months or until funds run out. 

What kind of bullshit is this?  The emergency was last year when both my kid’s had no choice but to sit on laptops.  I have the lowest set up possible and it can barely handle the three devices that we were running each day.

They know that there are families who flat out struggle to afford their service because they literally have no choice.  The government has the ability to subsidize internet for low income families and they won’t.  Hell, Optimum has the ability to add hotspots to the neighborhood so everyone can be connected, but they took them all down during the pandemic.  There used to be one in the park and I could play Pokémon Go, now I can’t.

So maybe I’ll get 3 months of free internet, maybe I’ll get the full six months or heck, maybe the Delta variant will be so bad we’ll wind up in lock down again!  

Hopefully Biden will pass something so that everyone can remain connected no matter what.  The internet is a necessity these days, especially when you have kids.  If it were up to me I wouldn’t have it at all and I’d be fine with books from the library.  Something has got to change in the way these things are handled for people.  Either give me enough money from disability so I can pay them from that, or pay the companies directly. Elon and Jeff are too busy comparing dick sizes to help people.

All the more reason for me to retire to a tiny island somewhere and live off grid, fuck this shit.



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