Unhealthy Air


I am very thankful for my two AC’s right now.  The air outside is horrendous.  It is all smoke from the wildfires on the west coast.  It happened last year too.  But this is bad, I’ve never seen the numbers this high before.

I just cleaned my filters a couple of days ago and sprayed them with lavender water.  Tomorrow I may have to clean them again and this time spray tea tree and eucalyptus, whatever is more purifying. 

Living so close to the city you’d think we would deal with things like this all the time, but the ocean breezes take all that stuff away from us usually.  I saw the satellite images and this is blanketing all of America.  So not cool.

Last year I read that they don’t allow Native American elders to burn the old stuff in a safe manner which is something that needs to be done periodically.  Controlled burning is better than rampant wild fires.

My babies and I have had slight headaches all day.  We were out earlier for an hour or so when the numbers were better so they could have their free lunch in the park.  Now inside I feel a lot better though my eyes feel a tad strained.

I took a bath with the bath bomb we purchased at Witch Fest and found that it contained a piece of either onyx or obsidian, I never can tell the difference, I know black tourmaline and it’s certainly not that.  I feel even better after that bath though,  I realized I should have washed my hair, I suppose I’ll do it tomorrow.

I hope this doesn’t last too long.  I can’t have myself or my babies getting sick.  I was achy all day, but that was from the pressure not the pollution.  I’m still achy but the headache is mostly gone.  It is injection night today too, so I should feel somewhat better tomorrow.

Climate change is real folks, don’t mess with Mama Gaia!



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