All the Animal Portraits


In Pocket Camp that is.

Despite having yet to receive a single photo in New Horizons, I have managed to obtain all 248 animal portraits in Pocket Camp.  Is it a major achievement?  Yes.  Is it a complete and utter waste of my valuable existence as a human being? Probably.  Does it give my overworked skeleton a much needed reprieve?  Yes, most definitely.

I play this game daily.  They constantly add stuff to it, like cute fortune cookies that have cute items inside.  Sadly, we do not have fortune cookies in New Horizons.  Everyone needs a dose of cuteness in their life.  I have a cute cat in real life, but real cats can be assholes and thus I turn to digital ones.

My accomplishment simply means that I have gotten all the animals to at least level 20.  Some of my animals are many levels above that too, I even have one maxed out animal at level 50.

It’s great fun.  I could probably allocate my energy somewhere else, like reading all those books in my cabinet that belonged to Shadow, but that will happen in due time.  I can’t always be focused on occult and spiritual academia, I’d drive myself mad.  Video games break up the chaotic energy of my life.

So dear readers, don’t be too serious, have fun sometimes too.



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