The Back is Done


Doesn’t it look so satisfying?

It sure took me long enough too.  Well, now I am on a roll and I started the first sleeve, those are straight forward and don’t involve paying attention to too many things at once so I hope to get them done quickly so I can finally finish this thing and maybe wear it once of twice before the temperatures rise.

I’m really pleased with the color striping too.  Sometimes it just doesn’t work out, but this time it totally did.  I really think it was a fabulous idea to use this particular yarn for this pattern.  I love using multi colored and Ombré yarns, but they don’t always translate well onto the knitting.

After this I’ll probably start another big at home project as opposed to my at the park project.  The park has been so noisy lately that I haven’t been able to read unless we’re there right when Ana is done with her school work at 12.  Most days we get 3 or more hours of outdoor time which for Ana is vitally important.  She’s a dig in the dirt kinda kid which Dino most certainly was not.

It would be nice to start a project that let me use my most luxurious needles that I don’t like taking outside.  But lately even knitting with those has been difficult.  I still have that blanket kit to knit up which I would use the nice needles for.  It’s always nice to have blankets on the couch and seeing as the kids hog the two I have, I should get another knit up.

But, one thing at a time.  I mustn’t overwhelm myself!



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