Cleansing Rain


It has been raining on and off again since yesterday afternoon.  We very much need these cleansing waters.  I don’t like when the air gets too dry and the park is too dusty.  The rains wash all that away and the air is left crisp and cool.

Though my body often gets fatigued during this type of weather, I don’t mind too much, as long as I can stay inside, drink tea, eat soup and stay cozy.  I did go for a short walk today and it was certainly brisk.  I’m glad I didn’t put my feather duvet away yet.  I’m underneath it now and it’s just so lovely to be so comfortable and warm.

I have always loved the rain.  Especially massive thunder and lighting storms, strong winds and buckets of water falling from the sky.  Something about that type of weather has always felt very magickal to me.  You can literally feel the energy sparkling around you and that peculiar aroma permeates the air.  I am one of those people who can smell when rain is coming, I can even smell when it’s going to snow, it’s a totally different smell too!

Of course I usually feel the rain before I smell it.  The day prior can be very painful sometimes.  I can feel swollen, tender and oh so tired.   I try and concentrate on the power of the rain.  On how it will wash away the bad and bring with it new growth.  I always feel better when the barometric pressure creeps back up to 30.  It’s like a giant pressure valve has been released and my skeleton physically relaxes.

Now the one thing I don’t do is collect rain water to use in spells or to cleanse with.  I live directly across from Manhattan and this water that rains on us is simply not the cleanest.  I don’t think it’s quite acid rain but I don’t feel comfortable collecting some in my glass jar.  I know I’m not drinking it, but I do have children and a cat so I wouldn’t spray it around my apartment.  I usually fill my spritz bottles with leftover water from the kettle that I poured from the Britta, or directly from the Britta.  I use a lot of essential oils, so for me, using purified water gives a better aroma and I’m also not unknowingly spritzing contaminated big city water all over my home.  I’d rather be safe than sorry.  If you life in the country, then go for it.  Collect as much as you like and enjoy!

Have fun in the shower’s that Mother Nature provides!

Blessed Be!


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