Toothless Gumby!


We were on the trolley.

Ana has finally lost her first loose baby tooth.  She pulled it out of her mouth in the middle of our trolley ride home from Target. Good thing I had a whole stack of napkins to give her.  

What’s weird is that before it happened I found a dollar on the floor and you know how I always say that it’s Shadow who leaves me this money.  It was as if he was saying, here Spiral, you’re gonna need this.  Then, when we got off the trolley, I found a quarter.  So Ana will get a dollar twenty five for her tooth.  I figure Shadow can directly communicate with the tooth fairy if he so desires and must know the going rate for a lost tooth these days.

In the toothy pouch it shall go, and I guess I gotta walk to Lidl for her to spend her money on German candy she can’t even chew.



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