Finishing, Finally


What lay in pieces this morning.

The above photograph was taken this morning.  I didn’t think I’d work on this sweater all day, but I did, mostly because it was pouring rain all day.

As of right now.  The entire piece is sewn together, I completely finished the pockets, and I also did the neck.  The only thing left to do is the two front bands and the much dreaded weaving in of ends.

I am so thankful to get this sweater done and out of the way so I can work on something else.  What should have only taken me a month or so stretched out way too long. It’s been over a year, most of which it was sat in my knitting basket.

Ironically, I may get a chance to wear it with this unseasonably chilly weather we’ve been having.  I certainly won’t wear it in the rain however.  The evenings this week will be chilly, and this will be perfect to wear at the park when Ana is begging for more time to run around.

I still have to figure out buttons for it.  I may remove the buttons from my blue sweater and toss it since it’s really looking ratty now.  It’s about 4 1/2 years old, but Vanna’s Choice really doesn’t hold up well.  Super Saver on the other hand looks like new after 30 years so this sweater is going to last me a long time.  That blue sweater also doesn’t have pockets, and seriously I can no longer deal with garments that don’t have pockets.

Tomorrow it won’t be raining, but maybe I can still get the bands knit and ends tucked.  Though, if we go to the park, it’s not gonna happen.



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