Rest and Relaxation

It’s a concept that Americans simply cannot get behind.  Actually doing nothing, lying down and breathing, as the AC blows over you.  Many people will say they don’t have time for such frivolity.

Well fuck that.

I need my one day a week to just veg out.  All week long is go go go.  I forget that my body can no longer physically work the way it used to.  I literally have to take it easy sometimes or my joints will suffer even more damage.

This morning we did laundry at 9am and I treated the kids to our favorite Cuban restaurant for breakfast.  For 10 bucks we eat like kings, no lie, it’s the best breakfast and coffee in the neighborhood.  (Shadow never liked it, so I always took Ana and Dino by myself.)  By 11:30 we were home and ready to just chill.  Literally, because it’s 90 degrees in May and we have to blast the AC.

Sometimes even doing the laundry, despite it not being that much, really does a number on me.  I can easily feel exhausted, so it was nice to get it done so early, even though the place is a bit more packed then I like.

I didn’t do anything else besides wash a few dishes, there are never much because we don’t have that many plates first of all, and second, I didn’t cook all day.  The fridge is stocked with tons of yogurt, oranges and a few other snacks.  For dinner I made tuna fish with crackers, the kids didn’t want cucumbers or carrots, so that made my life even easier.

I got to play Animal Crossing for a couple of hours, and watch most of last night’s SNL.  My only other work was putting clothes away and placing clean sheets on the beds.  Easy peasy.  I even downloaded the Miitopia demo and played that for a while.  It was actually kind of cute.  I was able to download characters that look like Jesus and Chuck Norris, which was fabulous.  I made myself a mage complete with Witch’s hat and Jesus is some type of pontiff with bishops robes, and Chuck Norris is decked out as a knight.  It was exactly what my do nothing brain wanted.  I really enjoyed it, but not enough to pay for the full version.  Sorry Nintendo but I’m dirt poor.

After my usual bath, I feel good, ready for a full nights sleep. Lately I’ve been getting up naturally around 6:30 after calling it a night around 11:30.  They say you need less sleep as you age, maybe it’s finally happening for me.  I used to be so tired all the time.  I’d sleep for 10 hours and still need a nap.  Now, I feel better than I have in years.  Still not as good as I was back in 2014, but I’m so grateful that I can function and do all the things I need to do all by myself without help.  It’s a major milestone for me.

Now excuse me, I have a few minutes of sound bathing to do!




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