Sound Bathing

I love a good sound bath.  I have one almost every night after my actual bath.  Tonight I did two for one hour each. 

I was first introduced to this concept in my late teens and I got to experience it first hand during a yoga class.  It was a chakra opening sound bath.  After that I was kinda hooked, but this was before YouTube, so a CD had to suffice.  I was actually pretty interested in this stuff being a music major, but none of the other musicians were discussing this sort of thing, yeah there were the music therapy kids, but they just looked like stoners.  I wanted to learn about frequencies, and hertz, vibrations and harmonic healing.  The music that occurs at this quantum level that regular musicians don’t get.

Anyway, the second sound healing I chilled out to tonight was live over Zoom through Saged.  This guy Dante is super talented and adds flutes and throat singing to the mix.  It’s the most relaxing thing ever.  Right now I feel warm and just so very tired, but that’s totally a good thing.

During the sound bath it’s recommended that you lie on a yoga mat or sofa with a blanket over you.  Then you just let the sound take you away while you breath.  The sounds will break through the blockages of certain chakras, and for me I was certainly feeling it along my throat and heart.  It’s a very visceral experience.  Tomorrow I am going to reprogram my quantum balance crystal because it just so happens to be for the heart chakra.

A few years ago Shadow wanted to purchase a set of crystal bowls so he could learn how to play them.  We had done a workshop with a singer named Jay Emmanuel and he was representing the company that makes them using ground up crystals and glass.  These bowls were gorgeous and they sounded amazing coupled with this gentleman’s profound singing voice.  That was at the New Life Expo which I’m hoping will be back on for the fall, cause I am totally going just for the workshops!

So, don’t knock it until you try it.  If you have an hour to kill, why waste it mindlessly scrolling the internet when you could be having a total body reset?  There are a ton of videos out there, choose on and chill out.  It’s an awesome time.

Blessed Be!



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