Should I get an Oracle Deck?

I don’t even like gold, but they’re just so freaking pretty!

I don’t own one, I never have.  But I kinda want one.  I was hoping that Labyrinthos would have a Mother’s Day sale so I could purchase the one that matches my Arcana deck, but so far no emails from them indicating such.  Regular price is 38 smackaroos which technically isn’t bad at all for a self published deck, but still, I need that money for organic vegetables to fight my copious amounts of inflammation. 

It sucks that I even have to get myself my own Mother’s Day gift in more ways than one, first of all commercialism BS and second, of course cause I’m a widow and my children are still young.  Yes I can celebrate as the warrior single mom I’ve always have been, cause mama’s get shit done, but damn it, no one buys me anything!  I don’t even like the typical mom stuff, I don’t need coffee mugs, I have exceedingly high standards for bath products and a plant is just one more thing for me to care for!

Anyway, since I have the Lenormand and tarot decks, I might as well complete the set right?  It would be interesting to add an Oracle card to a regular reading, many people do.  It would be even cooler to combine all three in some intense massive spread.  Not that I would be doing that so often but it would be nice to be able to, especially on my full moon spreads.

Well, I’m not gonna wind up buying it tomorrow anyway, so I’ll just wait it out.  I really should take the time to first learn how to read my Lenormand deck and then worry about the matching Oracle cards.

Damn commercialism.



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