Bamboo Brush Dilemma


Grows like grass and biodegradable.

I made the switch to bamboo toothbrushes last year for myself and the children.  This particular company makes child sized brushes as well.  For the most part I have been happy with them.  Until recently I noticed that my gums feel a tad sore.

This is the 3rd bamboo brush I have gone through.  Why now?  The bristles are a bit tougher than I’ve used, that’s for sure.  Before I made the switch, we used Preserve brushes which we could get at Trader Joe’s for cheap (Ana’s had to be purchased at Whole Food’s for more money).  Preserve makes their brushes from recycled yogurt containers.  They also sell different levels of stiffness for their bristles.  I always got myself and Dino extra soft (which is what dentists recommend) and I’d buy the hard for Shadow because that’s just what he liked, kids brushes only come in extra soft.

I just brushed my teeth for the night, and I feel like I ate two bowls of Captain Crunch.  You know, the cereal that only masochists such as myself used to eat in the 90’s while we watched Ren and Stimpy on Saturday morning?  That cereal did more damage than good and that’s kinda how I’m feeling about this bamboo toothbrush.

I’m not ready to give up on my better for the environment dental hygiene practice however.  I could try a different brand maybe someone has softer bristles.  The thing is, not all companies make biodegradable bristles.  These are plant based and most other brands are still using nylon.

Over the course of my adult life I have made so many earth friendly switches, it’s very much a part of my religious beliefs, protect Mother Gaia at all costs!  Nonetheless, one of the exceptions for this life style is medical waste.  So, the syringes from my biologic, the flossing picks I use because of my arthritis (there is a Kickstarter for a reusable product now!), hell, even my glasses are all considered medical waste.  Do I take the loss and count a recycled plastic toothbrush too?

I would hope that one day they will be able to make them out of bio plastic which is made from sugar cane and other veggie matter.  As for right now, I will continue to use this brush.  It’s still in great condition, then I’ll go from there.  I’ll either try a different brand, or go back to Preserve.  I’m probably a psychopath for continuing to use it, but I did spend 4 bucks on the damn thing, and that adds up to 12 bucks a year on toothbrushes.  We as Homo sapiens should probably all just go back to tooth sticks and hard raw veggies but, modernity!

First world problems, I am right?  I’m too poor for this shit.



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