The Traveler’s Notebook 7 Months Later


Not too shabby looking.

I began using this new to me system back in November of 2020.  I had some doubts, mostly about missing my beloved Moleskine, but I am so happy to have everything in one place.

The leather is holding up very well, especially for something I use everyday and toss into my pop tote where it’s the only thing I don’t have a zipper pouch for (might have to remedy that).  The inserts inside are looking good too.  I honestly thought it was going to have a lot more wear and tear on it.  Some notebooks I’ve seen are really beat up after only a month or so.

Sadly for a Traveler’s Notebook, this hasn’t done any traveling.  It’s never been out of state, and I didn’t even bring it on my train journey to Paterson.  All that will of course change when I pack it in my pop tote for the trek to California.  Inside my zipper insert, I have a California sticker designed by an artist on Reddit who was doing a giveaway.  He said he had never shipped a California sticker to New Jersey before.  I briefly told him about Shadow and that as soon as Covid restrictions lifted I’d be taking our daughter to visit Shadow’s mom out in Cali.  The sticker has yet to be stuck to anything.

I’m almost done with the first weekly planner which was divided into six months each.  I think next year I’m getting the monthly so I don’t have to switch out at the end of June.  I could technically squeeze both in there, but in hindsight it’s really annoying to have two separate inserts for one whole year.  It’s gonna suck because my preferred layout is weekly because it gives me room for appointments and other things, plus the other side can be used for grocery lists and random notes.  Very handy really.  So, I shall see what to do come September or so when I must purchase the 2022 insert.

Overall, it’s been a decent ride journaling in this beast.  I enjoy having everything at my finger tips including my forever stamps (I actually use the post office like an old person!). I have stickers and I wish I had the portable washi tape, but maybe I can carefully wind some up somehow, that will be fun!  It will be interesting to see what this looks like after my traveling and in November when it turns a year old.

Keep writing!



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