The Eagle Hoop Prophecy


One hundred eagle feathers tied to a hoop.

I learned of this indigenous prophecy today from a Good Medicine workshop presented by Dr. Anita Sanchez, an Aztec Elder.  It was a moving class and at times it gave me chills listening to her discuss the prophecy and the wisdom keepers.

It was heavy, but it a cathartic way.

The Eagle Hoop prophecy is not ancient, it was divulged in 1994 by a Mohican man who saw the vision.  He saw a hoop with one hundred eagle feathers tied to it.  He told the elders of his vision and they said he must build it.  That it was a representation of humanity and that red, white, yellow and black ribbons must be used to show the four colors of humans, their “earth suits”.

So build it he did and they had a ceremony.  During which four gifts were put into the hoop for humanity by the elders.

1) the power to forgive the unforgivable

2) the power to heal

3) the power of unity

4) the power of hope

The hoop traveled everywhere and with it people were said to experience an awakening.  The hoop requires us to remember that we are human beings, we must take the time to be.  

After Dr. Sanchez told us about the prophecy, she led us into a guided meditation, during which we were asked to pull up a sacred symbol for ourselves.  I did, but I will not be sharing it here.

I feel so privileged to have heard her speak today.  She said something that especially struck me, that everyone thinks the indigenous people were completely wiped out, but she assured us that they are still very much here, connected to the earth, holding ceremony and continuing to be wisdom keepers.  That gave me peace.  I have an especial fondness for pre Christian practices, and I can not express how important it is for Indigenous Americans to keep those practices alive and to thrive in doing so.

Regardless of our individual practices, we can all learn from this prophecy and it’s four very important gifts.

Blessed Be.



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