Honoring Shadow on His Birthday


Shadow would have been 42 today.  We miss him everyday.  

This morning, I cleaned off and rearranged the altar.  I must be mindful of how the incense ashes fall, it was quite dusty.  Now it is neat and tidy with many of our tools and trinkets having belonged to Shadow.  There are items that belong to the entire family of course, Dino’s wand and Ana’s bronze cat.  It’s a family altar and workings and prayers and spells are done on this sacred space.  Shadow will always be apart of our family even from the astral, and thus, his tools will always have a spot on the altar.

I lit his blue candle for a while and I felt at peace.  I almost cried but I didn’t.  He would have wanted tacos and cake tonight but it was just me and Ana for dinner so veggie spaghetti it was.  When Shadow made tacos it was with homemade corn tortillas, pulled pork that we cooked for hours and salsa that he made himself with tons of jalapeño.  That man loved Mexican food and I miss spending hours cooking with him.

I forgot that he had listed Strawberry’s birthday as today, so I got an email from her vet and from Fresh Step saying Happy Birthday to Strawberry Pancake.  Ana insisted we name her that, we’ve since dropped the Pancake bit.  We actually have no idea how old Strawberry is or when she was born.  It’s honestly silly to celebrate a cat’s birthday but I got her some special food from Lidl anyway, and at least she didn’t throw it up.  We’ve had her for two years now.  She’s a good cat.


Happy Birthday my dear, whatever dimension you’re in, whoever extraterrestrials you’re smoking joints with, we love you and miss you.



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