Strange Places in the Neighborhood


I couldn’t remember what street the Botanica was on.  Was it closer to 48th or 60th?  In scrolling through the area I came across this absolute gem.  A smoke shop that sells kratom.  Kratom is an herb but it’s not regulated and idiots abuse it and it’s a scheduled drug in some states.

Not in Jersey.

Seriously, these mother fuckers don’t ban kratom but they ban weed!  Weed is legal now (sort of) I don’t think they’ve fine tuned all the tax junk yet.  Even if it worked for me I’d still never be able to afford it, so whatever.

The kind of people that I know who do kratom are also the kind of people who do nitrous oxide.  The junkiest, no toothed, uneducated mother fuckers you can imagine.  So why oh why is it legal in this damn state?

Here is the store from the outside, I enlarged the photo so I could give the phone number to someone for those apartments.  

Hookah pipes galore!  There are so many smoke shops around here, that and liquor stores, plus those crappy Herbalife store fronts.  Ridiculous.

Anyway, I never did go to the Botanica today.  Instead I went into this store I had passed tons of times and never gone in.  It’s a gaming store.  They have tons of used games going back 30 years.  It’s incredible and owned by a very lovely Japanese man.

Pardon my reflection, that is my “I’m fat and it’s 90 degrees but I still need to look cute dress and hat”.  This is a mere fraction of the awesomeness they sell.  Plus everything I looked at seemed to be a decent price.  Nine bucks for Funko’s, the dude had a Pokémon elite trainer box for 49.99 which is actually MSRP!  I was impressed.  I’ll be sure to venture back there with Dino soon.  We can’t buy anything but it sure is a nice browse (more like a museum really!).  Honestly I would have purchased a pack or two of Pokémon cards but he didn’t have anymore individual packs, fuck scalpers.

Anyway, that was my Saturday afternoon.

Perhaps I’ll come across more bizarre places in my neighborhood for another post.

Stay cool!



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