Mistakes on the Edge

Yarn barf!

I don’t know why I didn’t catch it sooner.  I picked up the stitches for the button band with a size 8 needle and continued on a size 8.  Too loose, too big and all wonky looking.  I should have been on a size 6 like all the other ribbing.


So there lies my car coat in a pile of yarn barf.  My stitches were salvaged, no way was I going to sit and pick up 180 stitches again.  I reattached the cord to the size 6 needles and have started on my merry old way again.  It’s already looking better but there is just so much unraveled yarn...

The other problem I’m having is that my size 6 needle tips are a bit scratched.  I don’t know how they got scratched but they don’t glide as smoothly and it’s annoying.  Right now I can’t afford to replace them, they’re 8.50.  I’m debating whether or not I should try and save up for one of the better cases.  Right now they’re just in a plastic pouch I threw the the entire set into so I would have something at the shelter to knit with, that too has most likely caused some damage.  A proper case would keep each pair separated from each other, but the cases don’t come cheap either.

I just can’t win sometimes...

Oh well, I’m gonna get this thing done regardless, not like I have anything else to do!



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