Currently Reading


I finished The Lost Apothecary and really enjoyed it.  It took some getting used to reading between three characters but it wasn’t too cumbersome.  I returned it early on my Kindle and didn’t download anything new just yet.

I said I was going to start reading the physical books that have been languishing on my shelves and this is one of them.  It was given to me by a friend and it’s been sitting there collecting dust and salt because one of my Himalayan salt lamps decided to melt in the humidity of the summer.

I only began it last night and I was so tired I didn’t read much, but I am liking it so far.  I love a good witchy read!  I actually never read Practical Magic and I only saw the movie once a very long time ago.  I figure it will be nice reading the prequels first in the order the author intends them.

I also would like to take the time to talk about how much I sometimes miss a physical paper book.  The smell, the feel of the pages, even using my book light!  I didn’t realize I was experiencing eye strain from using the Kindle.  It sucks especially since so many books I want to read aren’t available at the library and I don’t have the money nor the space to buy the actual copies.

I love turning paper pages.  There is just something so utterly pleasing in the act of paper being moved from one side to the next.  It is pleasing.  And I missed that so much.

I really want to get all my physical books read and then pass them on to others so they can enjoy them too.  It’s so nice to have friends in this neighborhood who are avid readers.  Sharing books and talking about them is such a joy.

And now, time to read!



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