Currently Reading


It was too chilly for me to knit in the park today so I decided to start reading this on my Kindle.  I’m so happy I can carry it everywhere in my tote bag.  I do miss paper books but nothing beats carrying an entire library around with me!

Anyway, so far so good, it’s a bit different than I thought it would be.  The author explains how she found herself in a practice rut and decided to write this book with her ideas for combating it since so many other people can go through the same thing.

At this point in my own practice, I read these titles to get a new perspective as well as screen them for beginners.  Then,  I can go ahead and recommend them to students as well as to the novice witches on Saged App.  It’s a win win, I read a book and they get solid advice on what’s a trusted source or not.  I try not to sugar coat.  Some recent books on the craft just ain’t worth the paper their printed on or the digital space they take up!

So, we shall see what adventure this book holds!

I still have to finish Magic Lessons, almost done with that.  Gonna read more now!



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