Blood Moon 2021


I have been in pain all day due to my moon time, blood moon indeed.  It’s great that it lined up with the full moon, but not so great that I have stabbing pains in my uterus and knees.  Not cool moon beams, so not cool.

Naturally I spent the day trying to take my mind off of it.  I fucking hate taking pills, so I opted for my usual monthly regimen of red raspberry leaf tea.  I steep it for a minimum of 15 minutes, sometimes if the mood strikes me, I add a squirt of honey.

Does it work?  What it’s actually supposed to do is strengthen the uterus, making it more robust and better able to do its job of expelling its contents, whether that’s just the lining or a newborn and placenta.  It does the work so you don’t have to! (I wish!)  Right now, the heating pad is doing an ok job of pain relief.

At some point I managed to do my full moon tarot spread from the Biddy Tarot Planner:

I’m a bit confused by The Fool.  I should have pulled out the giant cards they photograph better.  At least I placed my usual crystals in the center!  I think that’s a piece of green aventurine.  And, I think I need a bigger piece of moonstone to combat this demonic womb of mine.

Tonight’s Full Moon Ceremony on Saged App was all about ancestor work.  Not my cup of Yerba Mate.  (That’s a great joke by the way!)  I just don’t connect that way.  I don’t feel like I have ancestral baggage or some generational bad luck.  I can’t fathom laying the blame for my poverty or health issues on relatives from a bygone era!  With this illness that I have, I have learned to live in the here and now.  I can’t be stuck in the past, especially not my own past!  I also can’t think that far in the future because I don’t know what it will hold.  Who my Ancient Greek ancestors were have absolutely nothing to do with that, they certainly don’t have the remedy to my severe cramps!

For the rest of my ritual, I lit an Enchanted Moon candle, which by the way is my last one and I think Yankee Candle discontinued… I ran a hot bath with a unicorn bubble bar.  The best place to release is in the bathtub.  Let the water soak into your very core.  When I pull the plug all that fatigue, stress, pain (some of it) goes down the drain.  I feel renewed.

I also smell delicious, thank you Lush.

Whilst snuffing out the candle, I told my pain to get lost.  Get snuffed out with this flame!

I’m not making moon water, I’m not charging crystals.  I’m lying in bed with my heating pad and vegging out until I go to sleep.  Tomorrow I need a steak and vegan chocolate nice cream.  Priorities witches, priorities!

Blessed Be!



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