My Knitting Basket is a Hot Mess


It does not look like this everyday.  A few days ago it was neat and tidy and everything was in its place, but then I began Dino’s scrap blanket and all hell broke loose.

I started that blanket three times.  You can see it peeking out of that greenish shopping bag on the floor.

First Attempt:

Size 8 needle, an ungodly amount of stitches, it looked nice but damn it, it was going to take forever, plus it was thin and not very cozy.

Second Attempt:

Size 15 needle double stranded, I think 150 stitches cast on?  I don’t remember, I got six inches in and realized I hated how loose the stitches were.


9.0 mm crochet hook, two strands held together.  It’s gorgeous.  It’s the right weight, the right feel, it’s gonna be massive, and squishy and cozy and my sweet Dino boy will love it.  

What does this have to do with the mess?

I am going through every project, every scrap of yarn I have to add to the scrap blanket.  I’ve added a good amount so far. At least 18 inches are of this huge ball of black my mom gave me like 4 years ago.  I finally finished that off yesterday and now I’m on the hunt for more size 4 yarn leftovers.

I’ve taken all the pieces of Shadow’s sweater from the top of the closet.  I need to unravel them.  It’s bitter sweet.  Ana and I had a good cry about him today.  She’s really going through it.  All because I don’t want to buy her a happy napper.  She said she missed her daddy and I never buy her anything.  I literally don’t need to buy her anything because Shadow’s mom does that, also, I looked up the price of the damned things, 50 fucking dollars!  What the fuck happened to As Seen on TV 19.99?!

Fuck that shit.

I’m actually glad that there is a shipping problem right now.  The shelves are empty and therefor she can’t have anything.  I’m also trying hard to stay away from any stores too so I’m not walking that much.  It’s a good thing I have free memberships to Thrive Market and discounts at Imperfect Foods and Package Free.  Between those three guys I can eat organic and wash and lotion my butt for cheap.  None of them sell children’s items, it’s glorious!

Due to Ana’s school being closed today, I didn’t get a chance to clean out my basket.  I haven’t even gone into the steamer trunk yet.  I only buy yarn for specific projects.  I always figure out the pattern I want to make first, then purchase the yarn.  This way I don’t have a stash.  Anything that’s left over and lying around is going into Dino’s blanket.  Then I can catalogue what projects I have left.  Knit those over the next couple of years, and probably make another scrap blanket!

Tomorrow I shall have the time, baring this storm doesn’t suddenly turn terrible, to organize.  I have these massive thick zip locks that I get every time they deliver my medicine and they’re perfect for storing yarn.

At some point I need to go through the book shelf again as well.  It’s time to say bye bye to the baby books.

So much to do, too much pain to get it all done the way I’d like it.

One stitch at a time!



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